Friday, April 30, 2010

Friday, 4/30

Early this morning, Elaine downed half a piece of french toast that would have made a Roman legionnaire shudder, convincing the medical staff that solid food, such as it was, was in her repertoire once again. It was enough for Dr. Swartz, who promptly discharged her.

We gathered up our things, rolled her out to the pickup circle and were out by 9:30AM. Home 45 minutes later, after a shower and a shampoo, she set up headquarters in the bed, then promptly fell asleep from exhaustion. The word “ecstacy” was murmured in there somewhere.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wednesday Night, 4/28

To watch Elaine recover is to see what happens when everything - the deep knowledge and skills of excellent, humane physicians; a capable, caring clinical staff; wonderful new technologies; and a lifetime of eating right, being fit and tending to one's health - converges.

Consider this. Less than 48 hours ago, Elaine had massive surgery: a radical hysterectomy, removal of parts of the appendix, bladder, ureter. Then reattachment of the ureter to the bladder. And much more. In the process, she lost 2 units of blood. She has had an IV drip, but hasn't eaten since Sunday, and until noon today her only fluids since Sunday have come from sucking ice chips.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tuesday Night, 4/27

Today Elaine is back with us. She is of course still weak, but the fabulous epidural block has kept her pain to a minimum. She's managed to get out of bed and across to a chair twice, and she's got her wit and her wiseacre humor back. Tomorrow I think she's going to try walking, which is remarkable when you appreciate how traumatic the surgery was.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Monday Night, 4/26 - Third Surgery, Discovery

Elaine is out of a very big extensive surgery and doing well. She's awake, lucid and, because of a wonderful epidural, not feeling a lot of pain.

There is some bad news that Elaine and I have already talked through. We agreed that this email, which is going to family and close friends, should be open and honest.

Monday Night, 4/26

Elaine is out of a very big extensive surgery and doing well. She's awake, lucid and, because of a wonderful epidural, not feeling a lot of pain.

There is some bad news that Elaine and I have already talked through. We agreed that this email, which is going to family and close friends, should be open and honest.